Hey $ean Eldridge, are you richer than Iron Man?

April 30, 2014

A lot of digital ink has been spilled writing about Chris Hughes’s and Sean Eldridge’s net worth, but we still don’t have a definitive number. We’ve seen $1.6 billion, $935 million, $850 million, and $700 million.

So in an effort to try and find out what $ean’s net worth actually is, we figured we’d see if he would engage in a little game called: Hey $ean Eldridge, are you richer than (insert fictional character here)? We ask $ean if he is as rich as 7 fictional characters whose net worth has been estimated by Forbes Magazine. If $ean merely answers our questions, we can figure out the rest.

Let’s play!

1. Hey $ean Eldridge, are you richer than Forrest Gump?

Gump may never come up with the idea of trying to buy a Congressional seat by making high interest loans to local businesses, but he did manage to put away $250 million as CEO of Bubba Gump shrimp.


2. Hey $ean Eldridge, are you richer than Jay Gatsby?

The title character of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel is worth $1 billion dollars.


3. Hey $ean Eldridge, are you richer than Lady Mary Crawley?

Misfortune may have befallen the eldest daughter of Lord Grantham in Season 3 of Downton Abbey, but she’s still worth a fortune – $1.1 billion to be precise.


4. Hey $ean Eldridge, are your richer than Montgomery Burns?

The owner of the Springfield Nuclear Power plant would be envious of Eldridge’s ambitious plan to buy a seat in Congress, but with a net worth of $1.5 billion would Burns be envying Eldridge’s wealth or vice-versa?


5. Hey $ean Eldridge, are you richer than Tywin Lannister?

The Hand of the King in Westeros and Lord of Casterly Rock always pays his debts – and apparently collects them too. Tywin is worth an estimated $1.8 billion.


6. Hey $ean Eldridge, are you richer than Citizen Kane?

Sean Eldridge may have mansions throughout the state of New York, but not one of them is named Xanadu. Does Eldridge’s fortune top the $11.2 billion net worth of Charles Foster Kane?


7. Hey $ean Eldridge, are you richer than Tony Stark?

Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man, is worth $12.4 billion. If Sean Eldridge is richer than that, he needs to stop running for Congress, build a few suit, and join the Avengers for crying out loud!
