House Majority PAC Inappropriately Uses AARP Name (Again) in West Virginia Ad

May 19, 2014

Rahall Pelosi

Today House Majority PAC launched yet another deceptive attack targeting West Virginia’s 3rd district Congressional candidate Evan Jenkins. Specifically, the use of an AARP letter and its well-known name in this attack ad suggests that it is endorsing the advertisement and taking sides in the Congressional election in the 3rd District. AARP does not, however, endorse candidates, have a political action committee (PAC), or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates. Rather, AARP is a non-partisan organization advising members on issues so that those members can make their own informed decisions on election day.

The problems with House Majority PAC’s advertisement are remarkably similar to the one aired against David Jolly in the recent special election in Florida’s 13th District. There, as should be the case here, AARP disavowed House Majority PAC’s ad as it implied that AARP was opposing the candidacy of Jolly. This led to embarrassment for both House Majority PAC and Democrat Alex Sink, who ultimately lost the election.

We encourage AARP to issue a similar statement clarifying to West Virginia voters that it is in no way involved with this deceptive ad campaign launched by House Majority PAC.

NRCC Comment: “Once again the anti-coal House Majority PAC is trying to pull a fast one on West Virginians by deceptively using the AARP name to support its bogus attack ad. For the benefit of West Virginian voters, we encourage AARP to publicly disavow this ad as they did with House Majority PAC’s similarly deceptive ad aired during the Florida 13 special election.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior