Silver Spoon $ean Eldridge’s Little Lie

May 22, 2014


Sean Eldridge claims that he “only talks to local media.” That’s what he told Fox News when they wanted to talk about his race. That’s why he locked Politico out of his campaign office andwouldn’t talk to the Washington Blade.

But that doesn’t explain why he granted an interview to Tablet Magazine, a publication based in New York City. Or why he told the Albany Times Union to scram but was more than happy to talk to the New York Times. The Albany Times Union, of course, covers a portion of New York’s 19th District while the New York Times and Tablet generally do not.

So what are we to make of this? Either Sean Eldridge only talks to media outlets he thinks (incorrectly) will do a puff piece OR when he says local media he actually means local to his $5 million Soho loft.

Something tells us it’s probably a combination of both.

NRCC Comment: “For the past year and a half Sean Eldridge has rubbed just about everyone the wrong way with his self-entitled attitude and his refusal to discuss his scheme to buy an election. The bottom line is that Silver Spoon Eldridge is desperately trying to hide from the fact that he is completely unqualified to represent people in the 19th District of New York that actually have to work for a living.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior