Here Are 5 Things President Obama Said About ObamaCare That Are Definitely Not True 

May 23, 2014

ObamaCare continues to wreak havoc on the economy and the lives of millions of American families. The farther into the law’s implementation we get, the more we learn that Democrats, from President Obama on down, misled and sometimes directly lied to the American people.

Here are just 5 things President Obama said about ObamaCare that are now demonstrably not true.

1. “People are no longer going to the emergency room and they now have good health care, they’re now getting preventive care.” (President Obama, 9/24/13)


This is not misleading, it is demonstrably false. Nearly all Emergency Room doctors are reporting that they expect emergency visits to increase over the next three years. Even worse, 46% of ER doctors say they have already seen an increase in patients since ObamaCare took effect earlier this year.

President Obama can continue to make this claim, but it’s simply not true.

2. “The final bill [will] make sure that people are getting the care they need and the checkups they need and the screenings they need before they get sick — which will save all of us money and reduce pressures on emergency rooms all across the country.” (President Obama, 12/15/09)


False. As said above, emergency doctors are not sufficiently prepared to deal with the aftermath of the ObamaCare train wreck.

Need more proof? Check out this graph the Wall Street Journal recently published.

3. “You should know that once we have fully implemented, you’re going to be able to buy insurance through a pool so that you can get the same good rates as a group that if you’re an employee at a big company you can get right now — which means your premiums will go down.” (President Obama, 07/16/12)


This would be a great talking point, if it were true. Unfortunately, premiums are still skyrocketing despite (and because of) ObamaCare.

4. “There’s no widespread evidence that the Affordable Care Act is hurting jobs.” (President Obama, 9/26/13)


Has President Obama been paying attention? Or has he become detached from the economy? ObamaCare hurts hard-working American families, and burdens economic growth. Obama has yet to respond to the CBO estimate that ObamaCare will cost our economy the equivalent of 2 MILLION jobs by 2017

Are Democrats still going to run in 2014 on the idea that ObamaCare will help the economy?

5. “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.” (President Obama, All The Time)

Head Shake GIF #2

This list definitely would not be complete without including PolitiFact’s 2013 LIE OF THE YEAR. In fact, Obama knew it was a lie, and then tried to change his slogan. On Nov. 4th, 2013 he made an embarrassing attempt to cover his tracks. “Now if you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law, you really liked that plan, what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed,” he revised.

Democrats eventually came to the realization that the lie could no longer go on, but the damage was already done. Do they think the American people forgot his promise?