86% of American Workers Expect Their Costs To Go Up Despite ObamaCare

May 29, 2014

Rising premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs are plaguing American workers, and ObamaCare is to blame.

“In the first year that the health care law’s regulations and coverage are active, 86 percent of workers expect their personal medical costs to increase,” according to Aflac WorkForces Report, which has studied the effects of Obamacare since it was passed in 2010.

In the study, almost half of workers have less than $1,000 on hand to pay unexpected out-of-pocket medical costs. According to the report, “health-care costs were supposed to be alleviated by Obamacare, but even insured employees remain largely unprepared to deal with typical out-of-pocket costs.”

ObamaCare doesn’t just affect individual Americans – the new healthcare law also hinders business growth. Employers routinely rate ObamaCare as their top business concern as they struggle to handle ballooning costs associated with the law.

This election cycle, workers will demonstrate their frustrations with ObamaCare and elect Republican leaders who will repeal this flawed and toxic law.

From The Daily Caller:

Sixty-six percent fear that they wouldn’t be able to handle the large costs of a serious illness or injury. When it comes to paying unexpected out-of-pocket medical costs, 49 percent of workers have less than $1,000 on hand; 27 percent of employees have less than $500.

In 2013, 21 percent of companies surveyed converted full-time workers to part time, avoiding health-insurance costs; and 22 percent eliminated or reduced offered employee benefits.

The employer mandate to provide health insurance will hit all companies that don’t provide health plans in 2016; and in 2018, the “Cadillac tax,” a 40 percent excise tax on high-cost health plans, will hit employers as well.