Retro Rahall: “Congress must act on cap-and-trade”

June 2, 2014

Anyone familiar with Nick Rahall’s recent voting record can pretty quickly pick up when he is lying and when he is not (HINT: usually he’s lying). Take this 2009 interview where he said Congress “must act on cap-and-trade.” That seems to be a true statement of his intentions as he has repeatedly voted in Congress to authorize a cap-and-trade system.

The part about being afraid of leaving such a devastating regulation to the EPA? Rahall appears to have faked his concern. In 2011, Rahall had an opportunity to vote for the REINS Act (supported by Joe Manchin) which would require Congressional approval of EPA regulations that had an annual economic impact of $100 million or more. A law like this would give Congress the authority to negate Obama’s new EPA assault on coal.

RAHALL VOTED NO. He voted against a law that would allow Congress to stop the EPA from implementing the new cap-and-trade rule.

NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall deserves to be fired for continually bending over backwards to help the Obama EPA get its cap-and-trade program. Rahall can point the finger all he wants, but his votes in Congress over the past six years have empowered a President and an EPA determined to destroy West Virginia’s coal industry.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior