More Bad News for Oregonians, Thanks Cover Oregon
With the failure of Cover Oregon, nearly 80,000 Oregonians will have to navigate the notorious in order to enroll in ObamaCare this November.
Unfortunately for taxpayers, the cost to switch to will cost taxpayers $41 million – “the highest total cost of any of the most troubled state ObamaCare exchanges.” This is coming on the heels of the $305 million grant to build Cover Oregon exchange site that failed to enroll a single user online.
The failure of Cover Oregon’s ability to launch a working website and enroll users is another example of why we need to repeal ObamaCare. This election cycle, voters will taking their frustrations out on the Democrats’ failed liberal healthcare agenda and elect Republican leaders to Congress.
From The Daily Caller:
“Oregon gave up on fixing its state-run Obamacare website in late April, when state and federal officials concluded state officials weren’t capable of repairing the exchange.
“In the end, Cover Oregon’s website failed to enroll a single person online. Officials hope to have the of the Obamacare exchange working by November 15, when open enrollment begins for 2015.”