More Bad News for Small-Business Employees
Unfortunately for many hardworking Americans, small business owners in 18 states will be forced to only offer one health care plan to their employees when open enrollment season begins this fall.
While employees were promised a wide range of health care plans to choose from, they are now being given one option as small-business owners are at risk of paying higher premiums. In addition, the year-delayed online insurance marketplaces, which would allow small businesses to pick group places to cover workers, will not be ready and will lack functions during the enrollment season.
With all of the delays and new exchange sites to pay for, taxpayers will be taking their frustrations with ObamaCare to the polls this November. American workers deserve Republican leaders who will repeal this flawed and costly law and promote health care stability – not the Aministration’s “one size fits all” approach.
From Wall Street Journal:
“House Small Business Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R., Mo.), who has criticized the implementation of the health law, said the latest change would add to employers’ difficulties.
“This pattern of continued delays and confusion is especially disappointing to me and the small-business community as many firms grapple with increased health costs,” he said.”