Bill Maher Asked The EPA Head If She Was Waging A War On Coal. Guess What She Said? 

June 16, 2014

Gina McCarthy, the head of the EPA, has finally owned up to what Americans have known for years.

On Friday night, McCarthy was asked by Bill Maher if the EPA is actually waging a war on coal. He was happy to hear the EPA’s answer: “That’s exactly what this is.”

The Democrats can no longer pretend not to be pushing a radical and reckless anti-coal agenda that will result in the destruction of American jobs and that will condemn thousands of hard working Americans to suffer the worst effects of Obamanomics.

Until now the Obama administration has attempted to mislead voters, worried about the outrage that would follow the careless economic destruction of anti-coal policies. When will House Democrats – Democrats like Nick Rahall – join the EPA and admit to fighting a war on coal?

This November, voters in West Virginia and across the country will send a clear message against the war on coal by electing Republicans committed to job creation and growth, and by kicking out Democrats that refuse to be honest about their anti–coal crusade.

From the Weekly Standard: