Two EPA Officials Testified Twice About Their New Carbon Regulations. They Completely Contradicted Each Other
What’s the goal of Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency’s latest carbon regulations.
It depends on who you ask.
“This is not about pollution control,” EPA Administration Gina McCarthy told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee yesterday. “It’s about increased efficiency at our plants.”
But just last month, a top deputy to McCarthy testified to a similar House Committee, and she sang quite a different tune.
“This is not an energy plan,” Janet McNabe said. “This is a rule done within the four corners of 111(d) that looks to the best system of emission reduction to reduce emission…The rule is a pollution control rule, as EPA has traditionally done under section 111(d).”
It’s terrifying that, as the EPA prepares to enforce a new set of regulations that will cost thousands of jobs and cause electricity prices to skyrocket, it can’t even get its story straight on what the rule is designed to do.
Read more from the House Energy and Commerce Committee.