This Democrat Rails About Outside Spending – Until He Has To Sign A No Outside Spending Pledge

August 1, 2014


Nick Rahall’s entire campaign is based on bashing outside groups spending money in his race against Evan Jenkins – Rahall even has a rally on it tomorrow.

Now Rahall has a BIG problem. Evan Jenkins just offered to sign a pledge rejecting all outside spending, reject all PAC money, and to donate all previously collected PAC money to a charity to help out-of-work coal miners.

AND NICK RAHALL SAID NO THANKS! Why? Because Nick Rahall is funded by outside interests and he would be at a disadvantagewithout those funds.

But are we really surprised Rahall only dislikes outside money when it’s not supporting him? Everything about Nick Rahall has been a sham – from his denials about voting for a carbon tax and cap-and-trade to the dishonest commercials, one of which was pulled from the air and another of which caused the Washington Post to say that Rahall campaign should be ashamed of itself.

What a joke Rahall has become. I can’t wait to see what happens the next time he tries to run a “stay out of West Virginia” commercial!

NRCC Comment: “The fact that Nick Rahall would not sign a pledge to eliminate outside spending in his race just goes to show that Rahall will say anything to get elected. He has spent the past six months trying to make this his big campaign issue, but when it came time to put his money where his mouth his Rahall just couldn’t give up the out-of-state anti-coal billionaire money that is helping him spread his lies.”    – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior