The Democrat That Even Democrats Won’t Support
Wow. The AFL-CIO chose not to endorse $ean Eldridge in NY-19. Maybe it’s because $ean attacked the group’s integrity when its poll found him down 27 points.
In some ways, you have to hand it to $ean – his strategy is to pay any amount of money necessary to buy a seat in Congress and nothing is going to get in his way. And if he gets zero support from anyone else? Oh well, he’ll just have to write a slightly larger check.
But at some point, even $ean 12 actual supporters have to wonder why even Democrat groups are either backing his opponent or staying neutral. Maybe it’s because of the widely held perception that $ean has run the single worst Congressional campaign in America.
Let’s take a look at some of the organizations that $ean wasn’t able to win over.
-The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has reserved no television time in NY-19 and no one on Eldridge’s staff appreciates Steve Israel’s bagels.
-Nancy Pelosi’s House Majority PAC has reserved no time in NY-19 for the fall.
-The AFL-CIO chose not to endorse $ean.
–The NYSUT chose to endorse Congressman Chris Gibson over $ean.
-The Environmental Defense Fund is airing ads supporting Congressman Gibson.
But don’t worry, $ean has $700 million to try and cover up his embarrassing lack of support for his campaign.
NRCC Comment: “Sean Eldridge has run one of the worst Congressional campaigns in recent memory. Eldridge can’t even get support from traditionally Democrat organizations because it’s clear to anyone paying attention that Eldridge stands for absolutely nothing but his own blinding ambition to be a Washington D.C. insider.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior