New York Times: Yes, President Obama Does Have A Seriously Bad Relationship With Lawmakers
So the New York Times has finally caught onto the fact that President Obama doesn’t bother to work with Congress – and not just with House Republicans.
According to the New York Times, Democrat leaders on Capitol Hill are beginning to become so frustrated with President Obama’s refusal to work with Congress that they are spilling their opinions out into the open.
Of course, House Republicans have been saying for years that the President refuses to work with Republican leaders to pass bipartisan legislation.
But, consider this: if even the New York Times will admit that President Obama’s relationship with his own party is bad, imagine how bad it is with Republicans!
From the New York Times:
But the impression the president left with Mr. Reid was clear: Capitol Hill is not my problem.
To Democrats in Congress who have worked with Mr. Obama, the indifference conveyed to Mr. Reid, one of the president’s most indispensable supporters, was frustratingly familiar. In one sense, Mr. Obama’s response was a reminder of what made him such an appealing figure in the first place: his almost innate aversion to the partisan squabbles that have left Americans so jaded and disgruntled with their political system. But nearly six years into his term, with his popularity at the lowest of his presidency, Mr. Obama appears remarkably distant from his own party on Capitol Hill, with his long neglect of would-be allies catching up to him.
In interviews, nearly two dozen Democratic lawmakers and senior congressional aides suggested that Mr. Obama’s approach has left him with few loyalists to effectively manage the issues erupting abroad and at home and could imperil his efforts to leave a legacy in his final stretch in office.
Grumbling by lawmakers about a president is nothing unusual. But what is striking now is the way prominent Democrats’ views of Mr. Obama’s shortcomings are spilling out into public, and how resigned many seem that the relationship will never improve.