Anti-Coal Crowd Raising Money to Help Nick Rahall

August 29, 2014


Did you see that President Obama is up in Newport, RI tonight raising money for the DCCC to help them keep airing deceptive ads for Nick Rahall? Check these photos out here!

Meanwhile, Nick Rahall was nowhere to be found at the Chamber of Commerce Forum yesterday – perhaps he took a boat up to Newport a day early for the swanky fundraiser?

All of Rahall’s friends and backers will be there – Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Steve Israel. So it makes sense that he’d be there to help keep the anti-coal money flowing into West Virginia’s 3rd district.

But I’d like to introduce you to two more anti-coal lawmakers that will be at the swanky fundraiser – Sheldon Whitehouse and David Cicilline:

Senator Whitehouse is a key supporter of Obama’s War on Coal and is one of the leading voices of replacing coal energy jobs with green energy jobs. Whitehouse is also “on a mission” to pass a carbon tax. And this certainly wouldn’t be the first time Rahall hung out with Whitehouse to discuss the War on Coal.

Congressman David Cicilline, like Rahall, voted to allow the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas and devastate West Virginia’s economy. He also voted against David McKinley’s bill that would weaken the ability of the EPA to regulate the coal industry – and made quite a stink about it too.

Looks like the kind of crowd that would welcome Carbon Tax Nick.

NRCC Comment: “While Nick Rahall is skipping out on candidate forums and avoiding debates so that he doesn’t have to talk about his record, his anti-coal friends are in Newport raising money to help keep him in Washington. If you put two and two together, you have to wonder if Rahall is up in Newport with Obama coming up with a ‘strategy’ for the phase of the War on Coal.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior