This New GW Battleground Poll Has Literally No Good News For Democrats
Desperate Democrats who were hoping for a silver lining for the November elections in today’s GW Battleground Poll were quite disappointed.
Republicans are leading Democrats on the 2014 generic ballot among likely voters by 4-points, 46% to 42%. But the Democrats woes don’t stop there.
“President Obama has become a lightening rod for discontent on a number of fronts,” reads the polling memo. “Strong majorities disapprove of the job he’s doing on the federal budget and spending (61 percent), in foreign policy (58 percent), on working with Congress (57 percent) and on immigration (57 percent).”
Just 21% say the country is headed in the right direction.
On the crucial issue of the economy, Republicans are trusted more than Democrats by 7-points, with 49% of voters expressing confidence in the GOP’s ability of fix the economy.
Independents are voting Republican this year by 15-points, and middle class voters are pulling the lever for the GOP by 11-points.
The Republican lead widens even farther in this year’s swing states, with Republicans holding a 16-point advantage over Democrats.
Democrats, you’re put on notice: thanks to President Obama’s failed leadership and your support for his big government agenda, 2014 is going to be a bad year for you.