Polling Favors Republicans

October 6, 2014

Polling Favors Republicans

RT @ToplineReport  Republicans are ahead on the ballot in battleground districts. #gop


As the election calendar turns to October, poll-a-palloza has begun. Republican, Democrat, and non-partisan surveys consistently show that the opinion of voters remains clear: Republicans are ahead on the ballot in battleground districts.

In more than 30 internal surveys, Republicans have the advantage. On average, Republicans are ahead 44%-39%on the generic ballot and the President’s Job Approval stands at a mere 39% approve-56% disapprove.

In VA-10, one of the most competitive races in the country, Democrats have already spent $4.2 million. Last Wednesday, Republican polling firm, The Tarrance group released a survey showing Republican Barbara Comstock defeating Democrat opponent John Foust, 46%-34%. Despite millions of dollars of negative attacks on Comstock, voters are not identifying with Foust’s radical agenda or support of President Obama.

However, it is not just Republican polling showing similar data. Democrats are touting a survey that has one of their top recruits, Michael Eggman, losing by 8%, 49%-41%. Whenever Democrats acknowledge an 8 point deficit, it is clear the situation is dire.

Even non-partisan outlets have released numerous surveys confirming how bad the environment really is for Democrats. Within weeks of Seth Moulton ousting 16 year incumbent John Tierney in the MA-06 Democrat primary, the widely respected Emerson College released a survey showing Republican Richard Tisei leading Moulton by two pointsin this D+4 district.

This turmoil for Democrats in battleground districts has translated to the national playing field. In a recent NY Times/CBS News survey, Republicans were +7 on the generic ballot, 49%-42%. In 2010, when Republicans won 63 seats and regained the majority, we were +6 on the generic, 48%-42%.

Real Clear Politics, which compiles national surveys and calculates a rolling average, further validates the toxicity of the President- an overwhelming majority, 54%, disapprove of the Job he is doing as President. Further, Pollster.com, which also tracks national surveys, shows 52% of voters oppose the President’s signature health care law.

Bottom line: All surveys, whether Republican, Democrat or non-partisan, prove Republicans are well poised to keep our majority in the House.


Internal Generic