NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Tim Bishop’s Corruption

October 7, 2014

The NRCC is up on the airwaves with its third television ad in NY-01 (NYC cable). The ad, entitled “Priorities,” continues to highlight Tim Bishop’s corruption, but also focuses on his irresponsible voting record on taxes, debt, and national security. The ad can be viewed by clicking here or on the screenshot below.

NRCC Comment: “Tim Bishop said it himself – the investigation into his pay-for-play fundraising scheme is ‘Exhibit A’ as to why he’s ‘unfit to serve.’ But his votes to raise taxes, increase the debt, and put our national security at risk are definitely exhibits B,C, and D as to why Bishop needs to be fired this November.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior


ANNCR: Tim Bishop’s priorities? He’s under investigation for a shakedown scheme, abusing his power to help himself.

Bishop’s voting record is even worse.

Congressman Bishop voted for crushing taxes, costing jobs.

Bishop voted for reckless spending while the national debt doubled.

Even on terrorism, Bishop sided with Obama to make it easier to release terrorists back to the battlefield.

Tim Bishop, out for himself, out of touch.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.