NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Emily Cain’s Position on Taxes

October 14, 2014

Hey there,

The NRCC is up on the air in ME-02 with its third television ad entitled “Crushing.” The ad highlights Cain’s position on taxes, which includes eliminating tax breaks for low and middle income families and raising the state sales tax by 10%. The ad runs for a week on Bangor and Portland broadcast television.

Check out the ad here.

NRCC Comment: “It’s bad enough that Emily Cain supports a job killing national energy tax, but she also wants to raise income taxes on low and middle income families and even voted to raise Maine’s sales tax by 10%. The last thing that Maine families need is Cain in Washington increasing their cost of living and decreasing their paychecks.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior


ANNCR: We know liberal Emily Cain supports a job killing national energy tax.

Now we learn Cain supports increasing taxes on low and middle income Americans.

Cain’s tax increase would deal a crushing blow to Maine’s middle class families. Costing thousands per year.

And Cain even voted to raise the state sales tax by 10%, hitting families hard.

You can’t afford Emily Cain in Congress.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.