What do Chamberlain and Steve Israel have in common?
It is 20 days from Election Day and DCCC Chairman Steve Israel isn’t on the road helping candidates. That’s right – he’s back in DC trying to make sure he’s not blamed for what’s shaping up to be a bad election night for Democrats. But I’ll leave the internal politics aside and focus on the facts.
Steve Israel is trying to blame anyone and everyone for his own party’s failures. Democrats aren’t losing because of outside groups. They’re not losing because of ebola (yes, they actually tried to say that). They’re losing because their policies are not popular.
Just today, an ABC News/Wash Post poll showed Obama with his lowest approval rating ever.
NRCC COMMENT: “Chairman Israel needs stop the Washington blame game and admit that President Obama and his devastating policies are casting a large shadow over the landscape for House Democrats.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek
September 2013: Israel On Democrat Incumbents: “Not Losing Sleep Over Our Defense At All.” (The Washington Post, 9/10/13)
October 2014: “Democrats need 17 Republican seats to win back the majority, but of the 25 races still on the campaign committee’s battlefield, only seven currently belong to Republicans. That means they are playing defense in 18 districts and offense in seven.” (The New York Times, 10/15/2014)
Immediately After Delivering His Victory Speech On Election Night 2012, Obama Called DCCC Chair Steve Israel And Nancy Pelosi. (The Washington Post, 3/2/13)
Israel In May 2013: “I Think We Have A Good Chance At Winning The House” (USA Today, 5/24/13)
P.S. – For you Gettysburg buff’s out there. Steve Israel recently compared himself to Joshua Chamberlain leading Union soldiers at Gettysburg. What Israel seems to forget is that Chamberlain had the advantage of the high ground at Little Round Top. Israel and his candidates have no such advantage.