NRCC TV Ad Highlighting John Barrow’s Votes for Obama’s Liberal Agenda
Hey there –
The National Republican Congressional Committee is up with a new TV ad in Georgia’s 12th District today. This latest ad is part of the NRCC’s $2.2M buy and will play on broadcast and cable in the Savannah, Augusta, and Macon markets.
NRCC Statement: “John Barrow has admitted to voting with President Obama 85% of the time. Georgia families deserve a representative who supports their values in Congress. Not someone like Barrow who is only interested in pushing the Obama-Pelosi agenda.” – Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman
ANNCR: John Barrow votes with Barack Obama 85% of the time.
Obamacare. A trillion dollar tax hike. Taxpayer-funded abortions.
Barrow voted with Obama for all of it.
Now Obama says –
OBAMA: I’m not on the ballot this fall.
But make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.
ANNCR: A vote for John Barrow is a vote for Obama’s agenda.
The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.