NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Pat Murphy’s Record on Government Spending
The National Republican Congressional Committee released its first television ad in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District today. The ad, titled “Angry Pat,” highlights Pat Murphy’s temper along with his abysmal record on government spending.
NRCC Comment: “Iowa’s families and farmers would be better off if Pat Murphy spent less time screaming at his colleagues and more time working for his constituents. Instead, Pat Murphy puts partisanship ahead of results and supported the most bloated budget in state history.” – Tyler Q. Houlton, NRCC Spokesman
ANNCR: Congress has enough yellers and screamers.
It doesn’t need Pat Murphy.
MURPHY: We shut down that switchboard, shame on you!
ANNCR: When Pat Murphy isn’t on a screaming tirade,
He’s on a spending tirade, with your money.
$120,000 for flower pots? $80,000 to repair an organ.
And the most bloated budget in state history.
Let’s keep angry Pat Murphy out of Congress.
MURPHY: Thank you.
ANNCR: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.