NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Bill Enyart’s Partisanship
Hey there –
The National Republican Congressional Committee is up on TV with a new ad targeting Bill Enyart. Politico also reported this morning that Democrat party operatives are losing hope in Enyart’s reelect chances due to President Obama’s “diminished standing.”
IL-12: New TV ad “Plain” by the NRCC
ANNCR: When Obama calls, Bill Enyart always has an answer.
Yes on more spending, higher debt.
Yes on Obamacare.
Enyart supports it, costing $2 trillion.
And Enyart said yes to job-killing regulations, crushing middle class families.
But for himself, Enyart backed outrageous perks for Congressmen.
First class flights, sweetheart health care deals.
Bill Enyart, just plain wrong.
It’s time for a change.
The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.