Ann Kirkpatrick’s classic bait-and-switch

January 21, 2015

Tonight we saw President Obama show no signs of reversing course on his liberal agenda, despite the massive defeat Democrats suffered on election night. Voters across the country overwhelmingly rejected higher taxes, more debt, and an overreaching federal government – you’d think liberals would listen.

KirkpatrickClearly Ann Kirkpatrick did not get the message. In just two weeks, Kirkpatrick has shown her true colors as a Nancy Pelosi Liberal, pulling a bait-and-switch on the very Arizonans who sent her to Washington. In fact, just last week Ann Kirkpatrick voted against a bipartisan bill that allocates vital resources to secure Arizona’s southern border!

But that’s not all. Far from it, actually. Kirkpatrick has embraced the leftward shift of House Democrats with a gusto unmatched by other members in competitive districts. By supporting Nancy Pelosi for Speaker, opposing the Keystone Pipeline, and ignoring the workers whose hours have been cut because of the healthcare law, Ann Kirkpatrick has shown that she takes her marching orders from her liberal bosses, not from the people of her district.

NRCC Comment: “As President Obama and Nancy Pelosi continue to push the same liberal policies that voters just overwhelmingly rejected, Ann Kirkpatrick has shown she will gladly march in step with their leftward lurch. Only two weeks into the new Congress, Kirkpatrick has thumbed her nose at Arizonans and their priorities. ” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter