Will Gwen Graham’s Vote Tomorrow Affirm Her Politically Calculating Ways?
We’ve all heard Gwen Graham’s rhetoric on how she likes to reach across the aisle to work with Republicans in a bipartisan fashion because that’s “The North Florida Way.” But is Graham’s political calculation and contradicting ways also part of “The North Florida Way?”
Shortly after being sworn into office, Graham quickly threw her support behind Barack Obama’s plan for “free” community college, going so far as to say it was “one of the most important parts of Obama’s [State of the Union] speech.” After discovering that “free” community college actually costs $60 billion and is being funded through the taxing of college savings accounts, she tried to deny ever supporting the plan. Then in an apparent face-saving move, she announced that she was co-sponsoring H.R. 529 — a Republican bill that would expand the tax-free college saving accounts. This bill will be considered by the House of Representatives tomorrow.
When Graham votes in favor of this legislation, she will be doing the exact opposite of what she supported doing in January. This raises the question on whether Graham actually wants to make a difference or if she just wants to go in whichever direction the political winds are blowing. Whatever way that is, that is apparently what Graham considers “The North Florida Way.”