Which budget will Gwen Graham support tomorrow?
Tomorrow is budget day in the House of Representatives, which means that five different budgets will be considered. This will give Gwen Graham five separate opportunities to demonstrate to her constituents what exactly her spending priorities are.
So which one of these budgets will Gwen Graham choose? Is it the House Republican Budget? Maybe it’s the House Democrat Budget. If not, there’s always the Republican Study Committee Budget. If she’s not feeling those, there is always the Congressional Black Caucus Budget. Worst case, she could hold her nose and vote for the Progressive Caucus Budget.
Sadly, chances are that Graham will vote against all of the budgets since that’s the most politically convenient thing for her to do (see: entire 27 month career of Patrick Murphy). But if Graham doesn’t vote for any of these budgets tomorrow, why doesn’t she introduce her own budget that she could vote in favor of? She is completely within her right as a Member of Congress to do so.