Does the DCCC still think Michael Eggman is a top tier recruit?

June 10, 2015

eggmanYesterday, failed candidate Michael Eggman announced he would run again in California’s 10th Congressional District, despite losing by double digits in 2014.

In 2013, Democrats touted Eggman as a “top tier” candidate who they believed to be “well positioned to win.”

Unfortunately for Democrats, Eggman got off to a slow start and never recovered.

After a 12 point loss in 2014, does the DCCC still think Eggman is a top tier recruit?

“Do national Democrats still think Michael Eggman is a top recruit after he lost by 12 points in 2014? If Eggman is the best the DCCC can do, 2016 looks like it will be another tough year for Democrats.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter