John Plumb better not jinx the Bills and Sabres
It’s a great time to live in the Southern Tier, Finger Lakes and Western New York. It’s summertime. The weather is nice. There’s lakes. There’s wine tours. The Bills made a huge splash in the offseason. And the Sabres just got their franchise guy. It would be a real shame if John Plumb, who recently announced he’s running for Congress against Tom Reed, ruined all of those nice things since everything he touches is an absolute disaster.
Plumb is “a former top military aide in the Obama White House.” Yikes. Being connected to Obama is tough enough when you’re running in NY-23, but being one of his top military aides when polls show Obama’s foreign policy as “deeply unpopular” makes it even worse. And let’s not forget that Plumb was recruited by the DCCC, whose sole mission is to re-install the incredibly unpopular Nancy Pelosi as Speaker (just ask extreme Ithaca liberal Martha Robertson how that plays in NY-23).