Brad Ashford vs DCCC

July 13, 2015

The struggle between Brad Ashford and the DCCC over fundraising continues into Q2, with Ashford, one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the country, bringing in a jaw-droppingly bad $155,000. This pathetic haul leaves Ashford with just $254,000 cash on hand.Ashford

Last quarter, the spat went public with Ashford calling out the DCCC for insisting on better fundraising efforts, with Ashford even losing his Chief of Staff over the matter.

One national Democratic operative ominously intoned that, “This sounds like the type of activity that occurs in a one-term member of Congress’ office, not someone who is going to be re-elected.” It seems that Ashford is dead-set on proving them right.

“Brad Ashford refuses to do the basic blocking and tackling that it takes to win an election, and it will undoubtedly cost him in 2016. If Ashford’s fundraising continues to underwhelm, will the DCCC still support him next year?” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter