Mike Derrick admits he’s clueless as to why he’s even running against Stefanik
So how about this Mike Derrick fella? When he announced that he’s moving back to New York State to run against Elise Stefanik, he said he was doing so because “politicians are more concerned with their own political interests than the interests of the people they represent.” So certainly Derrick could point to a few things he thinks Stefanik is doing wrong or how his interests would be different from hers, right? Not so much.
According to a story published this morning by North Country Public Radio, Derrick said “it is too early to say exactly what he would do for New York’s 21st Congressional District, or what makes him different from the current North Country Congresswoman, Republican Elise Stefanik.” Simply put, Mike Derrick, an actual announced candidate for the United States House of Representatives, is clueless as to what he wants to do for the people of NY-21 or how he would differentiate himself from Elise Stefanik.