DCCC vs local Dems in CA-21

September 14, 2015

While Fowler Mayor Daniel Parra has been busy racking up endorsements from local Democrats, national Democratic party operatives have started meddling in California’s 21st Congressional Primary. The DCCC is doing its best to woo CPA Connie Perez into the race, ignoring the wishes of the local party and potentially setting up a costly primary.

In 2014, the DCCC’s dream candidate Amanda Renteria lost to Valadao by double digits, so it’s understandable why the locals are wary of the national party telling them what’s best. Perez, or Renteria 2.0, appears to be “a recent convert to the Democratic Party and is currently registered to vote in Pasadena — a metropolitan area well outside of the district.” What could go wrong?

Michael Evans, chairman of the Fresno County Democratic Party perfectly sums up the schism between local and national Democrats:
