Does Extreme Emily Cain & Joe Baldacci support giving $100 billion to a state sponsor of terrorism?

September 16, 2015

nuclearWith Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran set to start going into effect on Friday, where does Extreme Emily Cain and Joe Baldacci stand on the issue?  As candidates for Congress, the people of Maine ought to know their priorities.  Does it include negotiating nuclear deals with countries like Iran, the number one State Sponsor of Terrorism?  Under the deal, Iran will rake in more than $100 billion in unfrozen Iranian assets and eases its trade restrictions.

Luckily for ME-02 families, Bruce Poliquin voted against this dangerous, reckless and irresponsible deal.  But how would partisan Democrats Extreme Emily Cain and Joe Baldacci have voted?  Would they have fallen in line with Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama or would they have stood up against making deals with a State Sponsor of Terrorism?  The voters of ME-02 deserve to know.

NRCC Comment:  “If Extreme Emily Cain and Joe Baldacci want to be in Congress then they should both state their positions on the Iran deal.  The people of Maine deserve a representative who is willing to stand up to party leaders to oppose bad deals that jeopardize our national security and the safety of our soldiers and allies.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack