Chellie Pingree blocks votes helping Maine’s seniors and veterans

September 18, 2015

As I am sure you saw, the DCCC is attacking Bruce Poliquin by using parliamentary tactics known as “previous question” votes.  Simply put, say “Bill X” is being considered on the floor, but the Democrats want to consider “Bill Y” instead.  They can use this tactic to block a vote on “Bill X” to call for consideration of “Bill Y” instead.

Since the DCCC wants to play games, we’re happy to play along. Here’s just a few of the things that House Democrats, and Maine’s own Chellie Pingree, tried blocking a vote on (see here and here) using the “previous question” tactic that DCCC cites in their attempts to attack Poliquin:

  • Voted to block a bill to repeal the Medical Device Tax, which could cost as many as 47,000 jobs nationwide.
  • Voted to block a bill to hold VA employees accountable for poor performance or misconduct as part of the ongoing VA backlog scandal and protecting VA whistleblowers from retaliation by supervisors.
  • Voted to block a bill that would remove Obamacare’s unelected board of 15 bureaucrats that would be in charge of Medicare spending decisions.

Shame on you, Chellie Pingree!

NRCC Comment:

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