The sad story of Morgan Carroll’s first listening tour

September 21, 2015

This weekend Morgan Carroll kicked off her campaign with a listening tour to learn about the “issues that matter” to 6th District voters. Or at least that’s how it was supposed to work in theory.

Co06 invitation

Unfortunately for Carroll, more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time at her first stop in Brighton, nobody but Carroll had showed up. (video here)

CO06_clock CO06_empty

With not even one voter interested enough in her candidacy to attend the forum, Carroll had no choice but to pack her bags and hit the road.

So instead of learning what issues matter to voters, Carroll learned that support for her campaign is not nearly what she expected it to be.

“Morgan Carroll’s ultra-liberal record is so out of touch with 6th District voters that not one person attended the very first listening session of her campaign. If Carroll was truly willing to listen, she would have already heard that 6th District families have no interest in her far-left agenda.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter