Did Driskell miss road funding vote because she was campaigning in DC?
Did Gretchen Driskell miss an important vote yesterday in the state house on a $1.2 billion road funding plan because she was in D.C. raising money for her campaign for congress? The DCCC is holding their “candidate boot camp” this week in D.C. and candidates from all across the country are in down. We know other Michigan candidates like tax delinquent Melissa Gilbert were in D.C., but what about Driskell?
While there’s nothing funny about Driskell skipping an important vote to repair Michigan’s crumbling roadways, her recent comments sure are comical when you consider that she couldn’t even be bothered to show up to vote. She should explain why.
“Here in Michigan we have 3,049 deficient bridges and 41% of our urban roads are in need of repair, and this is not the time to shirk responsibility.”
–Gretchen Driskell, 7/17/2015
“Michigan businesses need certainty and Michigan drivers need safety.”
– Gretchen Driskell, 7/17/2015
“I understand…the importance of making the tough choices required to invest in our roads and infrastructure.”
–Gretchen Driskell, 7/17/2015
“Our ability to maintain our roads affects school bus routes and public safety.”
-Gretchen Driskell, 1/29/2013
“I am very concerned about the lack of revenue supporting our transportation infrastructure…”
-Gretchen Driskell, 1/29/2013
Hopefully Gretchen Driskell enjoyed her time off and her decision to “shirk responsibility” even though “Michigan drivers need safety” and a representative who is actually in Lansing “making the tough choices” that “affects school bus routes and public safety.” Clearly Driskell isn’t “very concerned about the lack of revenue” for roadways seeing as how she couldn’t even be bothered to make the vote on the bill. The only question is why?