Brad Ashford: Running Interference for President Obama in Latest Op-Ed

October 27, 2015

This weekend Brad Asblockinghford demonstrated serious loyalty to President Obama and fellow Democrats when he published an op-ed warning that budget negotiations could endanger national security while never once mentioning that President Obama vetoed the very bill that authorizes funding for our military. For reference, the NDAA passed both the House and the Senate with bipartisan support earlier this month and has been signed into law for over 50 constructive years.

Ashford went to great pains to avoid mentioning the obvious: that a Democrat president vetoed a vital national defense bill over domestic political battles. Instead of taking a stand for our troops and publicly condemning President Obama’s reckless veto and promising to support an override, Ashford bent over backwards to avoid criticizing his fellow Democrat.

Instead of running interference for President Obama, Ashford should put partisan politics aside and support overriding the president’s dangerous veto.

“While writing an entire column on national defense, Brad Ashford bent over backwards to avoid criticizing President Obama’s reckless veto of the bipartisan NDAA. Instead of running interference for President Obama, Ashford should put partisan politics aside, stand up for our troops, and support overriding the president’s dangerous veto.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter