NRCC calls on Pete Gallego to return dirty money
For years, Pete Gallego happily took thousands of dollars from Democratic mega-donor Mikal Watts, but now that Watts has been indicted for fraud Gallego should immediately give back his dirty money. Watts “faces criminal charges after he was accused of submitting thousands of false claims for damages from the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.”
According to the Associated Press, “The British oil giant sued Watts in 2013, alleging that more than half the clients were “phantoms,” people whom Watts never properly signed up, people who weren’t commercial fishermen or people who were dead.” By early 2013, Watts was under federal investigation, yet Gallego accepted thousands of dollars from Watts for his 2014 race. Watts is currently facing federal criminal charges.
Was Pete Gallego aware of the widely reported charges against Watts when he accepted his dirty campaign cash?