Ouch! Two-talking Annie Kuster called out by The Union Leader

December 16, 2015

annie kusterOuch.  The Union Leader just took down Annie Kuster in a scathing editorial for talking out of both sides of her mouth and for generally being clueless.

This shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise when you consider that this is the very Member of Congress who voted to fire herself earlier this year.  And don’t even get us started on that whole Benghazi debacle.

We highlighted our favorite parts.  Enjoy!

Confused Kuster: Annie, get a clue
New Hampshire Union Leader
By Union Leader Editorial Board
12/15/2015 – 9:41 PM

Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster is confused.

In a fit of flip-flopping that would make John Kerry blush, Kuster is trying to have it both ways on matters foreign and domestic.

Kuster recently supported a bill that would pause President Obama’s plan to resettle thousands of Syrian refugees in the United States. But now Kuster claims the bill wouldn’t pause the program.

“I think there’s been a lot of misinformation frankly about the bill,” Kuster told New Hampshire Public Radio.

Most of it is coming from Kuster herself. Supporters and critics of the bill agree that it certainly would pause the refugee program. The bill requires federal officials to stop admitting any more Syrian refugees until they can implement background checks to ensure ISIS terrorists aren’t slipping through.

Facing backlash from her liberal base, Kuster is now misleading voters about the bill she supported.

Closer to home, Kuster publicly opposes the Kinder Morgan pipeline, while voting in Washington for an energy bill that would make it easier to build natural gas pipelines. Even as she claims federal officials haven’t adequately addressed concerns about Kinder Morgan, she’s voting to short-circuit the approval process.

Kuster now claims her vote was a mistake, and she intended to vote against the energy bill with the pipeline provision.

Kuster needs to spend a little more time reading the bills before she votes.