Rick Nolan’s Dangerous Iran Vote

February 3, 2016

Less than two weeks after Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that President Obama’s Iran deal will help fund terrorists, Congressman Rick Nolan voted against the Iran Terror Finance Transparency Act, putting politics over the safety of American citizens. Instead of ensuring that sanction relief does not come at the expense of our national security, Nolan’s vote dangerously weakens our hand should Iran continue to be the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism.

The Iran Terror Finance Transparency Act would restrict President Obama’s ability to lift sanctions on Iran and other financial institutions by allowing the sanctions to be lifted only if the President certifies that the institutions have not knowingly helped fund Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards, foreign terrorist organizations, or anyone sanctioned in connection with Iran’s weapons of mass destruction. This bill comes on the heels of Iran’s test launch of a medium-range missile this past October, which a U.N. panel determined violated a U.N. resolution prohibiting Iran from launching missiles capable of carrying a nuclear weapon. At a time when our enemies are posing more serious and urgent threats to our national security, Minnesotans deserve a representative who will put their safety first.

“Rick Nolan’s vote against this bill defies logic,” said NRCC Communications Director Katie Martin. “Secretary John Kerry has finally admitted that President Obama’s Iran deal will fund terrorism and instead of taking a stand against our enemies, Rick Nolan is voting to help them gain resources at the expense of our national security. Minnesotans want someone in Congress who will fight for them, not someone who will threaten our national security.”