Democrats in disarray as Hillary Clinton is dealt a crushing defeat in New Hampshire
Last night, New Hampshire voters delivered a stunning rebuke to Hillary Clinton, handing socialist Senator Bernie Sanders a clear victory in the first in the nation primary. This comes a week after Sanders’ unexpectedly strong showing in the Iowa Caucus resulted in a tie between the two candidates, and amid rumors of a coming staff shakeup in the Clinton campaign.
- As recently as March, Hillary Clinton’s lead in New Hampshire was more than 48-points according to the Real Clear Politics average.
- Bernie Sanders’ momentum has divided Democrats. As his poll numbers have surged following the Iowa Caucus, Clinton supporters have begun publicly questioning the socialist’s integrity, and publicly warning that he would hurt down ballot candidates if he wins the nomination.
- Last weekend Clinton surrogates Gloria Steinem and Madeline Albright attacked female supporters of Sanders, with Steinem suggested young women supported Sanders because “The boys are with Bernie,” and Albright stating “There’s a special place in Hell for women who don’t help each other.”
- Earlier this week, the FBI publically confirmed that there was an ongoing investigation into Clinton’s personal email server.
- Before votes were even cast in New Hampshire, there were reports of an impending staff shakeup in the Clinton campaign.
- A national poll released by Quinnipiac University last Friday showed that 56% of registered voters held an unfavorable opinion of Clinton.
- As Clinton continues to struggle, rumors have begun to pop up again of a possible last minute run by Vice President Joe Biden
- The presidential primary is becoming increasingly problematic for House Democrats, who are worried that they will have to defend either Hillary Clinton and her FBI investigation, or Bernie Sanders and his extreme socialist agenda in November.
NRCC COMMENT: “Hillary Clinton’s campaign was dealt yet another blow last night as her candidacy was soundly rejected by New Hampshire Democrats and Clinton was defeated in the first in the nation primary by an elderly socialist. Whether the eventual Democrat nominee is an extreme leftist like Sanders or a deeply unpopular, scandal-plagued career politician like Clinton, the trainwreck that is the 2016 Democrat primary will result in disaster for House Democrats in November. ” – Bob Salera, NRCC Spokesman
Democratic establishment starts to gang up on Sanders. “Other pro-Clinton Democrats dismiss Sanders’s leadership credentials, with that criticism coming even from members of the clubby Senate. Sanders is a great advocate, those Democrats say, but not nearly as qualified as Clinton to serve as commander in chief.” (Cristina Marcos and Alexander Bolton, The Hill, 2/5/16)
Gloria Steinem and Madeline Albright Scold Young Women Backing Bernie Sanders “Hillary Clinton’s older feminist supporters have a message for young women who are not backing her candidacy: Shame on you. Women were expected to help power Mrs. Clinton to the Democratic nomination, but as she struggles to overcome a tough challenge from Senator Bernie Sanders, her support among them has been surprisingly shaky. Young women, in particular, have been drawn to the septuagenarian socialist from Vermont, and the dynamic has disappointed feminists who dreamed of Mrs. Clinton’s election as a capstone to the movement.” (Alan Rappeport, The New York Times, 2/6/16)
Hillary Clinton and Her Allies Are Starting to Openly Question Bernie Sanders’ Integrity. “But with snow settling on New Hampshire and a loss likely in the Granite State on Tuesday, Clinton and her allies have turned their fire on the Vermont senator. In the last weeks, Clinton, her husband Bill, daughter Chelsea, allied super PACs, surrogates and members of Congress have by turns accused Sanders of hypocrisy, inconsistency and cutting corners.” (Sam Frizell, Time, 2/9/16)
FBI says Clinton email investigation remains ‘ongoing.’ “The investigation by the FBI into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server is still “ongoing,” according to a letter filed in federal court Monday by a top FBI official. In the letter dated Feb. 2, FBI General Counsel James Baker wrote to State Department acting legal advisor Mary McLeod that details about the ongoing investigation could end up undermining it. ‘We remain unable to provide the requested information without adversely affecting on-going law enforcement efforts,’ he wrote.” (Fox News, 2/8/16)
Clinton weighs staff shake-up after New Hampshire. “Hillary and Bill Clinton are so dissatisfied with their campaign’s messaging and digital operations they are considering staffing and strategy changes after what’s expected to be a loss in Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire, according to a half-dozen people with direct knowledge of the situation. The Clintons — stung by her narrow victory in Iowa and shocked by polls showing her losing by as much as 20 percent here — had been planning to reassess staffing at the campaign’s Brooklyn headquarters after the first four primaries, but the Clintons have become increasingly caustic in their criticism of aides and demanded the reassessment sooner, a source told POLITICO.” (Glen Thrush and Annie Karni, Politico, 2/8/16)
Bigshot Democratic donor emails dozens of Biden fans to be ready in case the VP jumps in White House race. “
A prominent Democratic donor worried about the party’s chances of winning the presidency emailed dozens of fans of Vice President Biden on Friday, urging them to remain prepared to donate if Biden jumps into the race. The donor, Bill Bartmann, cited new polling showing Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont nearly tied with the Hillary Clinton, eroding the 30-point lead the former secretary of state held at the end of last year. Bartmann and other party insiders are concerned that Sanders, a self-proclaimed Democratic socialist, is too far to the left to win against a Republican in the Nov. 8 presidential election.” (Reuters, 2/6/16)
New Hampshire 2016 Democratic Primary: Real Clear Politics Average
Quinnipiac University Poll: February 5, 2016