Is Scott Peters Panicking Yet?
After lashing out at an ascendant Bernie Sanders last week, is Democrat Scott Peters panicking after the self-avowed socialist cruised to a 22 point victory in New Hampshire last night? Peters, who represents a competitive district, is clearly nervous about the prospects of having Sanders at the top of the ticket in November. From The Hill:
Rep. Scott Peters (D-Calif.), who is one of the biggest Republican targets in the 2016 election cycle, suggested his constituents would view Sanders, a self-described Democratic socialist, as too extreme.
“I’m not comfortable with it at all,” Peters, who has endorsed Clinton, said of the prospect of Sanders heading the ticket.
“He certainly wouldn’t match my district very well,” Peters added. “People in my district are looking for pragmatic, problem-solving leaders and he would not fit that bill. Some on the Republican side, I think, would be equally objectionable to my district as well.”
Now as Clinton lurches to the left to match Sanders’ momentum, Peters faces the possibility of running with a socialist platform at the top of the ticket, no matter who their nominee is.