CA Dem Convention: Drama, Drama, Drama

February 29, 2016

As promised, the CA Democratic Convention delivered quite a few notable moments as congressional hopefuls battled it out for the party’s endorsement. Here’s your quick recap:

dramaCA-07: Ami Bera was rescued by Nancy Pelosi
Despite zero primary opposition, local activists declined to endorse Ami Bera and forced him to beg and plead for the Democratic endorsement this weekend. In fact, Bera had to call in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to rescue him. Pelosi’s explanation for Bera’s habit of voting differently than he promises? “We have a great kaleidoscope” of representatives, she said, adding. “We all are a resource to each other at some point.” Strong, Nancy.

CA-21: DC Dem favorite Huerta blocks local endorsement for Parra
In the most dramatic show down this weekend, DC Dem favorite Emilio Huerta leveraged his famous last name and support of DC powerbrokers to deny the endorsement to local favorite Daniel Parra. Parra convincingly locked up the local endorsement just weeks ago AND at the convention on Saturday, but Huerta and his establishment backers ultimately managed to block Parra from walking away with the party nod. Obviously, the wishes of Valley Democrats don’t matter to Huerta and his friends at the DCCC. Instead of honoring the local endorsement, Huerta, who doesn’t live in the 21st District, will now fight it out with Parra until June for the opportunity to face off against be the sacrificial lamb for David Valadao in the general election.


CA-25: Local Dems shut down Bryan Caforio and the DCCC
Washington Democrats’ handpicked carpetbagger Bryan Caforio has faced staunch opposition to his candidacy by local Democrat activists who are furious with the national party for bringing in an outsider to try and buy this seat, and boy did it show this weekend. Despite every attempt by Caforio, a Beverly Hills lawyer, and the DCCC, local favorite Lou Vince easily walked away with the endorsement, sending a clear message to Caforio and the DCCC to stop meddling in this race. Time will tell if the message was received.

NRCC Comment: “Washington Democrats made every effort to push their favorite candidates through the nominating process, but were faced with strong opposition from local activists. As the primacy races begin in earnest, the divide between DC Democrat kingmakers and local Democrat activists will only intensify, hurting the eventual nominee and helping Republicans in November.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter