Rick Nolan Admits He Has Been Lying For Years, Mocks Anyone Who Trusted Him
After years of saying exactly the opposite, Rick Nolan glibly admitted at a recent town hall that a key part of Obamacare, a law Nolan voted to keep on the books, was the $700 billion in cuts to Medicare, even mocking anyone who believed his previous statements.
In 2012, Nolan’s campaign vehemently disputed the assertion that Obamacare cut Medicare, saying it does “not cut benefits and will not reduce care for seniors at all.” They even put “cuts” in quotation marks to dispute that they existed at all.
But the most jaw-dropping part of the town hall was when Nolan openly mocked anyone who believed his previous assertions that the cuts were anything more than a partisan attack by Republicans:
“They’re telling us that that $700 billion was actually savings for the fund…and I’ve got some waterfront property I want to sell you.”
Rick Nolan is literally mocking any voters who trusted him on this issue. If after this revelation anyone thinks Nolan is anything more than a Washington politician willing to do or say anything to get elected, I’ve got some waterfront property I want to sell you.
NRCC Comment: “After years of lying to voters, Rick Nolan finally admitted that he voted to uphold more than $700 billion in cuts to Medicare. What’s worse, Nolan mocked any voters who trusted him. 8th District families deserve better than a dishonest politician that is willing to do or say anything to get elected and then laugh at them for believing his lies.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter