Does Bryan Caforio Support High-Speed Rail?

March 29, 2016

railWith his primary opponent Lou Vince publicly coming out in favor of high-speed rail, where does Bryan Caforio stand on the massive infrastructure project? Caforio already badly lost the local and state party endorsements to Vince and can’t afford to be outmaneuvered again on an issue that is a priority for many Democratic primary voters.

Having recently moved into the 25th District from LA to run for Congress at the urging of Washington kingmakers, Caforio has taken few positions as he acclimates himself to his new surroundings. Now that Caforio has had a few months to learn his way around town, it’s time for him to start taking positions.

NRCC Comment: “Now that Lou Vince has made it clear he supports high-speed rail, will Bryan Caforio take a position on the project? Caforio may still be getting to know the 25th District after his recent move, but voters deserve to know where he stands on the issues.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter