It’s Tax Day! (For Melissa Gilbert, it’s just another Monday)

April 18, 2016

gilbert hypocrite
Today is the deadline for hundreds of millions of Americans to file their tax returns with the IRS.  But for dog-pampering, tax cheating MI-08 congressional candidate Melissa Gilbert, it’s just another Monday.

Gilbert owes the IRS $360,000 in back taxes and has an $112,000 tax lien in California.  If by some miracle Gilbert is elected to Congress that means a massive tax delinquent would vote on legislation with tax implications for people who actually pay their taxes.

NRCC Comment: “Melissa Gilbert is running for Congress to collect a taxpayer-funded paycheck despite owing $472,000 in back taxes.  Michigan families deserve better than a hypocrite like Melissa Gilbert who thinks she is too good to pay her own taxes but will have no problem voting for higher taxes on everyone else.”  –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack