Bryan Caforio’s FEC Embarrassment

April 18, 2016

embWell, this is embarrassing. You’d think after receiving ZERO donations from 25th District residents in his first FEC report Beverly Hills trial lawyer Bryan Caforio would go out of his way to build support in the very district he wants to represent. He didn’t. In fact, Caforio’s latest FEC report confirms that he still has virtually no local support and is nothing more than an empty suit for the Washington Democrats trying to buy this seat.

Key facts on Caforio’s Q1 numbers:

  • Caforio took only $1780.33 from individuals within the district. That’s only 1.4% of his total itemized individual contributions.
  • Caforio took more money from people living in Beverly Hills ($3260) than he did from 25th District residents.
  • Caforio’s primary opponent Lou Vince brought in more than twice Caforio’s haul from 25th District donors with $3650 coming from locals.

Caforio’s utter lack of local support makes it painfully obvious that Washington Democrats have parachuted Caforio into the 25th District from Beverly Hills without any regard for what local voters actually want in their representative.

NRCC Comment: “Beverly Hills trial lawyer Bryan Caforio has so little local support that his buddies in Beverly Hills contributed more to his campaign than all 25th District residents combined. Caforio is nothing more than an empty suit for the Washington Democrats who are trying to buy this seat without any regard for what local voters actually want in their representative.” – NRCC spokesman Zach Hunter