NRCC Weekly Rundown: Clinton caught lying in an ad, DCCC candidate in PA-07 loses by 50, and more!
And here’s this week’s edition of the NRCC Weekly Rundown:
National: The NRCC announced our first round of “Contenders” as part of our Young Guns program. Last cycle, this program helped to elect 45 new Republican members to the House.
National: Hillary Clinton was caught lying about her record as Secretary of State. A report by showed that her TV ad claim of “securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons” was not supported by her record.
National: Health care experts are sounding the alarm about the latest round of premium increases under Obamacare.
MD-06: John Delaney has been spending a lot of time attacking Maryland Governor Larry Hogan. The NRCC asked if he was leaving Congress to run for state office rather than defend his abysmal record on foreign policy.
PA-06: Congratulations to Rep. Ryan Costello on his nomination for a second term! Costello will face Democrat Mike Parrish, who despite having no primary opponent, has just $15,911 cash on hand.
PA-07: DCCC “Red to Blue” candidate Bill Golderer lost his primary by nearly 50 points on Tuesday. That is not a typo. 50. Keep up the good work DCCC!
PA-08: Congratulations to Republican nominee Brian Fitzpatrick on his win in the primary on Tuesday. In the general election Fitzpatrick will face Democrat Steve Santarsiero, who is fresh off of an expensive and bruising primary that called into question his do-nothing record in 7 years in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
House passes Rep. John Katko’s bill to increase security on U.S.-bound flights
Katko’s bill, the Securing Aviation from Foreign Entry Points and Guarding Airports Through Enhanced Security Act, would require the Transportation Security Administration to conduct security assessments at international airports. Under the bill, the TSA would be given the authority to provide equipment to help foreign airports increase security. READ
NJ homeowners say they have proof of FEMA ‘fraud’ on Sandy claims
U.S. Rep. Tom MacArthur, R-N.J. 3rd District, is hosting a news conference at noon Thursday at the House Triangle where he’ll be joined by homeowners who say they have been underpaid and defrauded by FEMA. READ
Donovan says IRS needs overhaul
Charging that the IRS is in serious need of a major overhaul, Donovan (R-Southwest Brooklyn-Staten Island) recently voted to support a package of bills that he said are aimed at making the agency more accountable to the public. “This package puts customer service ahead of employee bonuses, prevents tax-delinquent citizens from becoming tax collectors, and prohibits the IRS from rehiring employees who were already fired for misconduct,” Donovan said in a statement. READ
Congressman Mike Coffman says a VA hospital under construction in Aurora is on schedule and on track to come in within its current budget of $1.7 billion
Congressman Mike Coffman says a VA hospital under construction in Aurora is on schedule and on track to come in within its current budget of $1.7 billion. Coffman said Wednesday the work is now fully under the control of the Army Corps of Engineers, a step lawmakers demanded after massive cost overruns. READ
Reps. Hurd & Rice: We cannot allow ISIS to harness the Internet to win the terror war
On Tuesday, the House will consider H.R. 4820, the Combating Terrorist Recruitment Act, crafted by a bipartisan group of members. The bill requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to use the testimonials of former extremists and defectors as part of ongoing efforts to stop terrorist recruitment. These are individuals who have seen the brutality of terrorist groups firsthand—and have rejected it. READ
Curbelo seeks funding to fight Zika
Congressman Carlos Curbelo has filed a bill that would place requirements on federal funds used to fight Zika. The mosquito-transferred virus has made its way from Brazil to Florida and many other states in the past several months. There has not been a case reported in Monroe County, although neighboring counties have dozens of cases. READ
McSally raises more money than her two opponents combined
Republican Congresswoman Martha McSally continues to outpace her would-be Democratic rivals, raising $852,939 in donations for her re-election campaign, a filing for the first three months of 2016 shows. READ
Valley lawmakers continue push for safer natural gas storage
“The Porter Ranch gas leak may be sealed, but the community is still suffering from its effects in the form of lingering relocation costs and possible blackouts this summer,” said Rep. Steve Knight, R-Palmdale, whose district represents Porter Ranch, in a statement. “I am pleased that my colleagues in Congress are joining me to advance comprehensive legislation to prevent another incident from happening again.” READ
Poliquin push for New Balance takes step forward in Congress
Late Wednesday, Poliquin, a R-Maine, was successful in his bid to see the Pentagon issue American-made athletic footwear to its new recruits in America’s armed services. Members of the House Armed Services Committee voted unanimously to include the language after Poliquin and U.S. Rep. Niki Tsongas, D-Mass., worked to muster bipartisan support for the language, added to the National Defense Authorization Act. “We had to write a new law to have (the Pentagon) follow an existing law,” Poliquin said Thursday. “Go figure. So we pushed like heck.” READ