Has Annette Taddeo made good on her Florida Keys promise yet?

May 2, 2016

taddeoOver a year ago, FL-26 candidate Annette Taddeo said that as part of her campaign for Congress, she was going to establish a residency in the Florida Keys.  In making this proclamation, Taddeo said she wants to run into people at the grocery store and be a part of the community. Was she lying about that like when she lied on national television about being middle class despite being worth $5.7 million and living in a 6,500 square foot mansion?

Maybe it’s time for a check-in with Florida’s favorite perennial losing candidate…

NRCC Comment: “Shortly after announcing her fourth campaign for political office in six years, Annette Taddeo said she was going to establish a residency in the Florida Keys because she wanted to be a part of the local community.  Has Taddeo made good on her promise to buy a place or was this yet another cynical attempt by the out-of-touch millionaire to pander to voters?” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack

Annette Taddeo says she’ll establish ‘residence’ in Florida Keys
Miami Herald
By Patricia Mazzei
April 11, 2015

In addition to moving into the congressional district she wants to represent, Democrat Annette Taddeo said she plans to establish a “residence” of some sort in the Florida Keys.

Taddeo indicated to the Keys’ US1 Radio this week that she might move to the Keys or have a second home there, as part of her campaign for the 26th congressional district.

“I do plan on setting up residence in the district, and having a residence in the Keys,” she told Morning Magazine host Bill Becker. “Honestly, I don’t just want to show up and fly over [the Keys] and spend a day. I want to see people at the grocery story. I want to be a part of the community.”

She said she would not let Republican incumbent Rep. Carlos Curbelo attack her over her current residence, in Pinecrest. “That’s silly,” she said.

Taddeo went on Becker’s show two days after backing out of an interview that had been scheduled for the day after she jumped in the 2016 race. Becker pointedly criticized her for her absence, which her staff had attributed to her being “tired.”

He didn’t bring up the incident Thursday, but Taddeo did: “I want to say, the only thing I’m tired [of] is just Washington and the dysfunction in Washington.”