Will House Democrats stand with unpopular FBI target Clinton or socialist Sanders at contested convention?

May 4, 2016

Last night’s results in the Democratic Presidential Primary show that Hillary Clinton remains unable to unify her party as the bitter Clinton-Sanders fight enters its final phase. The Vermont socialist’s 5-point victory in the Hoosier State marks the 19th contest he has won against Clinton.

It now appears extremely unlikely that Clinton will be able to clinch the nominee with pledged delegates, and just this week Bernie Sanders pledged to take his battle to a contested convention.

The drawn out primary is clearly taking a toll on Clinton, as her popularity among voters continues to decline. Overall, she is now viewed favorably by just 38.4% of voters. Her favorability among Independents has plunged, and now just 20% view Clinton positively. Polling last month showed that 1 in four Sanders supporters would not support Clinton in the general election.

With the race heading to convention, where it will be decided by the superdelegates, House Democrats now have a choice to make: Will they stand with the extremely unpopular Hillary Clinton? Or will they throw their support to Sanders and his extreme socialist policy positions?

NRCC Comment: “As Hillary Clinton continues to struggle to unite Democrats behind her, House Democrats will have to choose whether they will stand with her at a contested convention and risk alienating their liberal base or throw their support to socialist Senator Bernie Sanders. Whether Democrats ultimately choose unpopular FBI target Hillary Clinton or socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, their down-ballot candidates will be saddled with an extremely flawed candidate at the top of the ticket.” –NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera