What do Hillary and Bernie have in common w/ Melissa Gilbert’s taxes?
Has MI-08 candidate Melissa Gilbert endorsed a presidential candidate, or has she been too busy pampering her dog and evading taxes to make a decision?
Bernie Sanders smoked Hillary Clinton in MI-08, 56% to 41%. Since the socialist from Vermont is vowing to take his fight for the Democratic nomination to a contested convention, shouldn’t Gilbert weigh in?
Will Melissa Gilbert #FeelTheBern like her Democratic base and vote for a socialist or will she say #ImWithHer and proudly support an FBI Target?
NRCC Comment: “Melissa Gilbert evades endorsing presidential candidates like she evades paying her taxes. Gilbert’s Democratic base in MI-08 strongly supports socialist Bernie Sanders but will she blatantly ignore her own base to support FBI target Hillary Clinton?” -NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack