Annette Taddeo silent as Iran test-fires a ballistic missile

May 9, 2016

With news breaking this morning of another provocative ballistic missile test by Iran, does Annette Taddeo regret her support of the President’s nuclear deal? This is the same deal that Secretary of State John Kerry admits will fund terrorism through lifted sanctions on Iran.

Now Taddeo will be forced to own her support of not only the agreement, but also her endorsement of Hillary Clinton, the woman who wholeheartedly embraced the deal and brags that she laid its very groundwork.

NRCC Comment: “As Iran continues to destabilize the Middle East with provocative ballistic missile tests, Annette Taddeo and Hillary Clinton must own their dangerous support of President Obama’s agreement with the Ayatollah. Taddeo ignored all the warning signs and chose blind partisanship over our national security and the safety of our allies.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack